In term 3, primary school students across Western Australia were invited to participate in the 2020 Get Creative About Safety Competition run by Kidsafe WA and ATCO. Students entering the competition were able to have fun being creative while also learning about important safety messages.
Students in years 1 to 3 were able to enter the junior division, a ‘Gas Safety Colouring In’ competition designed by ATCO, while students in years 4 to 6 were able to enter the upper division, a ‘Design a Comic Strip’ competition for a safety topic of their choosing.
This was Kidsafe WA & ATCO’s third year of running the competition and with so many outstanding entries, judging was not an easy task! It was clear that all junior division students had spent a lot of time on their colouring in, while students in the upper division had put a lot of thought into their safety message comic strips. After a long afternoon of carefully judging, the winners of the 2020 competition were decided.
Kidsafe WA together with ATCO would like to congratulate the following students:
GAS SAFETY COLOURING IN (Junior Primary Division)
- 1st Prize – Alakay, Cooloongup Primary School
- 2nd Prize – Isabel, St Lawrence Primary School
- 3rd Prize – Jasmine, College Row School, South Bunbury

DESIGN A COMIC STRIP (Upper Primary Division)
- 1st Prize – Cameron, Bertram Primary School

A big thank you once again to St John Ambulance for donating some of the amazing prizes for the competition winners – the schools loved it! For more gas safety information from ATCO, please visit