Kidsafe WA is proud to launch its first Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), endorsed by Reconciliation Australia in July 2023. Our RAP outlines a list of commitments from each area of our organisation over the next 12 months that will help us strengthen relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and ensure our services are welcoming and inclusive.

As a state-wide organisation, Kidsafe WA operates across Western Australia, with our office located in West Leederville on Whadjuk Noongar Country. Our team regularly travel across WA to deliver our child injury prevention programs and services to regional communities, visiting many Aboriginal Lands. While providing services in these areas, it’s essential for our team to work alongside Aboriginal people and to learn about their diverse cultures and histories that impact child injury in their communities.
With a history of over 40 years of working in the community, Kidsafe WA upholds the values of being inclusive of all Western Australians and working collaboratively to reduce the impact of child injury.
By developing a RAP, our organisation recognised our role in contributing to reconciliation in our country and embracing First Nations culture in our everyday work and conversations.
Click here to view our Reflect RAP document featuring commissioned artwork by Noongar Menang Koreng artist Brianna Williams. For enquiries about our RAP, please get in touch with Scott Phillips, CEO ((08) 6244 4880 |
To assist us in our journey, Kidsafe WA has become a member of Reconciliation WA. To learn more about Reconciliation Action Plans or how to implement a RAP in your workplace or community group, visit