Kidsafe WA is supported by the Department of Health WA and Horizon Power to conduct regional visits across Western Australia annually. On each visit, our team offers our child injury prevention programs and services to regional schools and community groups to keep kids safe at home, on the road and during play.

Kidsafe WA will be travelling in the following regions in 2023/2024:                

  • Goldfields − February 2024
  • Midwest − October 2024
  • Kimberley – 2024 (month TBA)
  • Pilbara – 2024 (month TBA)

*Scheduled months are subject to change depending on requests

Are you located in the Wheatbelt, South West or Great Southern Region? Kidsafe WA conducts regional visits to these areas on request throughout the year.

If you are interested in having Kidsafe WA visit your region, please complete the expression of interest form below. Please note that we will try our best to meet all requests as soon as possible; however, please keep in mind due to the large size of Western Australia, there may be delays in completing these requests.

Expression of Interest Form