Other Research
Kidsafe WA Childhood Injury Report: Injuries to Aboriginal Children, 2011-2015
Aboriginal children remain at high risk for injury in Australia. This report, supported by the Western Australian Department of Health, analyses hospitalisation, death and emergency department injury data in Aboriginal children in Western Australia over a five year period. The report also provides findings of research conducted with professionals across the state to identify perceptions of injuries to Aboriginal children and injury prevention methods.
Increasing injuries as trampoline parks expand within Australia: A call for mandatory standards
A Comparison of the Safety Risks and Health Benefits between Manufactured Playgrounds and Nature Playgrounds within a School Environment
Play is a vital part of childhood and is a way for children to explore and learn, allowing them to develop physical, cognitive and emotional strength. Playgrounds are common play areas for children and when compared to other settings,are considered a safe area in which children can play. This research compares the safety risks and health benefits of manufactured playgrounds and nature playgrounds within a school environment.
WA Childhood Injury Report: Patterns of Injuries among 0-19 Year Olds in Western Australia
New data released by Kidsafe WA, with the support of the Western Australian Department of Health shows that the number of child injury deaths in WA have decreased from an average of 105 deaths per year during 1989-2000 to 79 during 2001-2010. The full report gives an overview of injury related deaths, hospitalisations and emergency department presentations in children aged 0 to 19. It includes both national and international comparisons and individual snapshots of each region across WA.
Childhood Injury Report
Childhood Injury Snapshot: WA
Regional Snapshots
Regional Childhood Injury Snapshot: Goldfields
Regional Childhood Injury Snapshot: Great Southern
Regional Childhood Injury Snapshot: Kimberley
Regional Childhood Injury Snapshot: Perth Metropolitan
Regional Childhood Injury Snapshot: Midwest
Regional Childhood Injury Snapshot: Pilbara
Regional Childhood Injury Snapshot: Southwest
Regional Childhood Injury Snapshot: Wheatbelt
WA Childhood Sports Injury: Parent and Coach’s Perceptions of Sports Injury Risks and Management
Sport and physical activity are an essential part of a healthy childhood. Unfortunately childhood sporting injuries continue to rise and are often seen as a barrier for participation.
This research investigates parent and coach’s perception of injury risks and management in childhood sport. Parents and coaches of children aged between eight and 14 years, who were registered to play either football (Australian Rules), soccer or hockey were surveyed to determine their perceptions on the risk and severity of injury, self-efficacy, protective equipment, modified sports, training and competition, hydration, prior injury, injury management and demographics.
Report – Coming Soon