Kidsafe is partnering with Australian and New Zealand Burn Association (ANZBA) for National Burns Awareness Month in June! National Burns Awareness Month is an initiative of Kidsafe, Australia’s leading community organisation dedicated to child injury prevention, and is held in June each year as there is a significantly increased risk of burns during the winter.

The month will launch with a social media campaign, focusing on burns in early childhood and will touch on burns across all ages. Common burns include burns in the kitchen, bathroom, living room and backyard. Kidsafe will be sharing burn prevention and safety messaging daily through their Facebook page and encourage you to raise awareness of burns prevention through your own platforms.

For more information:

First Aid for Burns and Scalds

Prevent: take action to prevent burns and scalds to yourself and others

Remove: yourself from danger and remove any clothing or jewellery unless stuck to the skin

Cool: place the burn under cool running water for 20 minutes

Cover: the burn with a clean dressing

Seek: medical attention if the burn is on the face, hands, lap, feet, buttocks or is bigger than a 20 cent piece or is blistered


As part of National Burns Awareness Month, Kidsafe has developed a selection of BurnSafe learning resources for children. For more information
